Unit-I: Randomization, Replication and local control, One way and two way classifications with equal and unequal number of observations per cell with and without interaction, Fixed effects and Random effects model. Model adequacy checking, CRD, RBD and Latin Square designs, Analysis of co-variance for completely randomized and randomized block designs. Analysis of experiments with missing observations.
Unit-II: Incomplete Block Designs: Balanced Incomplete Block designs, Construction of BIB Designs, Analysis with recovery of inter-block information and intra-block information. Partially balanced incomplete block designs, Analysis of partially balanced incomplete block designs with two associate classes, Lattice designs.
Unit-III: 2n Factorial experiments. Analysis of 2n factorial experiments. Total confounding of 2n designs in 2n blocks. Partial confounding in2n
blocks. Fractional factorial designs, Resolution of a design, 3n
factorial designs. Concepts of Split plot design and strip plot design
Unit-IV: Response surface designs, Orthogonality, Rotatability blocking and analysis - Method of Steepest accent, Models properties and Analysis.
Text Books
1. Montgomery D C (2001). Design and Analysis of Experiments, John Wiley.
2. Das M N and Giri N C (1979). Design and Analysis of Experiments, second edition, Wiley.
3. Hinkleman and Kempthrone C (1994). Design and Analysis of Experiments Volume I, John Wiley.
Reference Books:
1. Joshi D.D. (1987). Linear Estimation and Design of Experiments, Wiley Eastern.
2. Chakrabarti, M.C. (1964). Design of experiments, ISI, Calcutta.
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